Links 7/24/2020

Private Equity Captures Rather Than Creates Value Newsweek

Gov. Mike DeWine calls for repeal of House Bill 6, reversing his position from the day before Fallout from the Householder indictment. Also–

Why didn’t FBI agents stop Ohio’s corrupt FirstEnergy bailout as soon as they learned about it? (CR). And–

An FBI investigation shows Ohio’s abysmal energy law was fueled by corruption Leah Stokes, Vox

Is America’s biggest gas utility abusing customer money? California demands answers Los Angeles Times. Surely not.

Tesla sues Rivian over ‘disturbing pattern’ of alleged trade secret theft The Verge. It’s almost like Silicon Valley is full of crooks.

What Lies Ahead Counterpunch


We blew it Axios

Fauci on coronavirus: ‘I don’t really see us eradicating it’ The Hill. Controlling it, yes.

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Chloroquine does not inhibit infection of human lung cells with SARS-CoV-2 Nature. From the abstract: “[C]hloroquine targets a pathway for viral activation that is not operative in lung cells and is unlikely to protect against SARS-CoV-2 spread in and between patients.”

Hydroxychloroquine use against SARS-CoV-2 infection in non-human primates Nature. From the abstract: “Neither HCQ nor HCQ+AZTH showed a significant effect on the viral load levels in any of the tested compartments. When the drug was used as a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), HCQ did not confer protection against acquisition of infection.”

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What Scientists Know About How Children Spread COVID-19 Scientific American. A good round-up. My personal view is that children are fomites, because they touch everything; but that doesn’t necessarily say anything about transmission. However, here as elsewhere, the Precautionary Principle should prevail. Tina Hartert of the Vanderbilt School of Medicine: “There aren’t many other countries that have opened schools while rates of the virus are increasing exponentially.” No indeed. But America is exceptional.

After spreading covid-19, a huge European abattoir vows reforms The Economist

Normally, I would link to the study, not the tweet about it. But the SSRN sever is “down for essential maintenance,” the thread is good, and I want to pair this with the meatpacking link above:

MIT engineers designed an affordable, reusable face mask that’s as effective as an N95 — take a look CNBC (J-LS).

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Surge in single-use PPE feeds ‘toxic’ pandemic waste crisis (free) FT

Americans Not Welcome in Caribbean Resorts Re-Opening to Tourism Bloomberg

The Long Game of Coronavirus Research The New Yorker. “Modern medical research is inherently collaborative, but the constellation of efforts now under way around the world is unprecedented in scale and scope.” Science is popping. Or at least percolating.

Classrooms without Walls: A Forgotten Age of Open-air Schools Messy Nessy (JD). From 2016, still germane. A desk in the garden has worked well for me. So why not a garden classroom? Won’t work in the winter, of course.

We need major air-conditioner innovation to keep us cool without warming the planet Fast Company


Cold War Escapades in the Pacific Consortium News

Everyone loses Jakarta Post

China orders closure of US consulate in Chengdu in tit-for-tat move Straits Times

Who’s the brain behind Mike Pompeo’s anti-China stance? SCMP

China Has Blown Its Historic Opportunity Project Syndicate

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A nervous watch on the Three Gorges Dam The Interpreter

China braces for impact after mass flooding at Three Gorges Dam UPI

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‘People exempt from quarantine behind new wave‘ RTHK. Commentary:

China May Refuse to Accept British National Overseas Passports Bloomberg

Why a ‘route to citizenship’ is not enough: The limitations of expanding BNO rights Lausan


India to curb Chinese bids for state contracts FT

Modi’s extension of food grain scheme was welcome but Centre must expand it to cover the neediest (J-LS).

Internet Curbs, Chinese App Ban Allows Local Alternatives to Flourish in Kashmir The Wire (J-LS).

Nigeria: Why Some Anti-Corruption Campaigns Make People More Likely to Pay a Bribe All Africa (original).


‘A hell of a year’: Tories reflect on 12 months led by Boris Johnson Guardian

“Credible Open Source Reporting”, the Intelligence Services and Scottish Independence Craig Murray

England’s leasehold system is crumbling. Freeholders’ fightback will be nasty Guardian. When I was at a London Meetup, some Londoners tried to explain leasehold v. freehold to me, but my eyes glazed over. But since “there are billions of pounds at stake here – money that flows to rich freeholders, many of them aristocratic families or companies in the British Virgin Islands, for doing virtually nothing,” perhaps some kind souls will explain again.

Melting Arctic Permafrost Threatens Russian Energy Firms’ Bottom Line – Morgan Stanley Moscow Times

New Cold War

Putin plans to make the West destroy itself The Spectator

Bolivia delays presidential election again over pandemic FT

Trump Transition

Trump Rule Change Will Likely Do More Harm Than Good to 401(K)s, Study Shows The Intercept (MC).


Democrats Go On Offense On Russian Election Interference As November Approaches NPR. Because of course.

Dems Voting Against Pentagon Cuts Got 3.4x More Money From the Defense Industry Sludge

Our Famously Free Press

I Don’t Always Believe CIA Narratives. But When I Do, I Believe Them About China. Caitlin Johnstone

L’Affaire Joffrey Epstein

Epstein floodgates open as judge rules explosive docs detailing Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life can be UNSEALED in Virginia Giuffre’s defamation case within a week Daily Mail. We’ll see.

Influential DC-Based Ukrainian Think Tank Hosts Neo-Nazi Activist Convicted for Racist Violence Consortium News

Police State Watch

Why Portland Became the Test Case for Trump’s Secret Police The Nation. “Trump’s Secret Police” is, of course, funded by Democrats. As was Obama’s, although since 2016 is Year Zero, nobody remembers that.

Dems’ Sternly Worded Letter Won’t Stop Fascism David Sirota, Too Much Information.

In Portland, the Baby Fascists Have Shown Their Face Timothy Snyder, Foreign Policy. “All of this is a dry run for November.” Possibly. But it’s amusing to see liberal Democrats, who hammered the talking point that Trump would not accept the 2016 results, and then very visibly did not accept the results themselves, hammering the same talking point again. Honestly, if Trump was or could be what Snyder says he is, wouldn’t Snyder already be in a camp somewhere? For a better discussion of fascism in the American context, see BAR; linked to yesterday in Water Cooler, but very much worth a read.

Buildings damaged in Minneapolis, St. Paul after riots Star-Tribune. Good maps. Here is a handy chart of damaged property types:

Imperial Collapse Watch

2020: The Year We Confronted Decline The American Conservative

Class Warfare

The “Strike for Black Lives” protest stunt WSWS. If there’s no work stoppage, it’s not a strike.

Counterfeit Capitalism, Food Delivery Apps, and the Attack on Franchising Matt Stoller, BIG

“Stealth” food banks serve the undocumented The Counter

KFC will test lab-grown chicken nuggets made with a 3D bioprinter this fall in Russia Business Insider

Pigeon: We should not tear down Confederate statues! Duffel Blog

Antidote du jour (via):

Bonus antidote:

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour“>here.

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