Wild bison to roam England’s woodlands for the first time in 6,000 years as ‘ecosystem engineers’ Business Insider
First signs of success in bid to reintroduce pine martens to England Guardian
In WTO’s Search for its Next Director-General, a Tale of Proxy Wars and Regional Rivalries The Wire
Redskins to retire team name Monday; new name to be revealed later WaPo
Duda wins Polish presidential election: preliminary result Politico
Morocco’s thirst revolution and the luxury of watermelons Qantara
He Made Stone Speak New York Review of Books
120,000-year-old necklace tells of the origin of string Ars Technica
Imperial Blind Spots and a Question for Obama Counterpunch
It’s Trump’s call on what the GOP convention will look like AP
The Case For Kanye American Conservative.NC usually eschews celebrity tosh, but in these bizarre times, I’m posting this as I never would have expected to see this article under this headline in this source.
How serious is Hong Kong’s third wave of Covid-19 infections and what can be done to beat it? SCMP
WeWork on track for profits and positive cash flow in 2021, says chairman FT
Coronavirus: South Africa bans alcohol sales again to combat Covid-19 BBC
Military’s COVID-19 cases growing at twice the nationwide rate Military Times
What Do College Students Think of Their Schools’ Reopening Plans? New Yorker
From Houston to Miami, hospitals running short of remdesivir for Covid-19 patients Stat
New York City marks first day with no coronavirus deaths since March NY Post
As US grapples with virus, Florida hits record case increase AP
Houston leaders call for lockdown as county reports more than 27,600 active coronavirus cases CBS
Race Against Time Caravan. The deck: India’s place in the global COVID-19 vaccine wars.
Bill Gates, a Billionaire, Says Covid-19 Drugs and Vaccines Should Not Go to ‘Highest Bidder’ Gizmodo
An adult with Kawasaki-like multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 Lancet
Immunity to Covid-19 could be lost in months, UK study suggests Guardian Small study size, but if true, depressing; relying on the vaccine fairy alone is not going to beat this scourge. The underlying study, not yet peer-reviewed: Longitudinal evaluation and decline of antibody responses in SARS-CoV-2 infection medRxiv.
Class Warfare
Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears NYT
#StrikeForBlackLives in 25 Cities on July 20th – 16,000 Meatpackers Got COVID – Teachers Strikes Looking More Likely Payday Report
California teachers fight back against pressure to reopen schools Politico
Teachers face off against Trump on school reopenings The Hill
Viral Thread Busts The Myth About Famous Billionaires Starting Out “Poor” Bored Panda
1. Hello twitter. I’ve written a new book. The subject is populism. And: the people who hate populism. The recurring conflict between these two poles of our political life. pic.twitter.com/7aMrPVytaT
— Thomas Frank (@thomasfrank_) July 10, 2020
Food Security
India has barely scratched the surface of its rich food heritage Scroll
Health Care
Colorado, Like Other States, Trims Health Programs Amid Health Crisis Kaiser Health News
Waste Watch
Global Electronic Waste Up 21 Percent in Five Years — Little of It Is Recycled TruthOut
Q&A: UN’s Agnes Callamard on drone strike that killed Soleimani Al Jazeera
The struggle to keep India’s Covid-19 patients breathing BBC
Narendra Modi Is Not Creating the India That Returning Indians Will Want to Live in The Wire
India-China Joust
LAC standoff | Xi Jinping’s mobilisation order, months of planning preceded border move standoff The Hindu
Iran-China pact turbocharges the New Silk Roads Vineyard of the Saker. Pepe Escobar.
Boris Johnson set to curb Huawei role in UK’s 5G networks FT
China hits back, sanctioning US officials and Congress members in response to Xinjiang ban SCMP
Puerto Rico
Adding Insult to the ‘Injury of Colonialism,’ Trump Suggested Selling Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria, Former Advisor Says Common Dreams
After the Bushfires and Amid the Pandemic, Australia’s Fossil Fuel Industry Is Gaining Steam Jacobin
‘Let’s get going’: UK tells businesses to prepare for Brexit crunch Reuters
The 2020 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners Audobon. Each year Audobon selects some amazing photographs. I will undoubtedly feature some as future antidotes. Here, interested readers, is a peek some of what’s yet to come.
Wrote email to Chomsky, asking him what he thought of the reaction to “the Letter”. Here’s what he had to say: pic.twitter.com/653ujcb9CI
— James Kennedy (@UD880) July 12, 2020
Antidote du jour (via).
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.