Links 6/26/2020

Effects of the characteristic temperament of cats on the emotions and hemodynamic responses of humans PLOS One. “The characteristic temperament of cats may be a key factor influencing the health benefits of owning cats.”

Brussels to call for probe into German regulator over Wirecard FT

Wirecard Auditors Say ‘Elaborate’ Fraud Led to Missing Billions Bloomberg

Pandemic causes ‘unprecedented’ fall in global trade FT

The shape of our recovery Felix Salmon, Axios

The Coronavirus Trade-Off Was Always an Illusion John Authers, Bloomberg


Calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, is a promising candidate for COVID-19 prophylaxis (preprint) bioRxiv

‘Serious Seven’: Local health experts identify high-risk locations for COVID-19 KJRH. “The Tulsa Health Department is advising the public to take precautions at high-risk locations for COVID-19, known as the “Serious Seven,” including gyms, weddings, house gatherings, bars, funerals, faith-based activities and other small events.”

North Texas family shaken after 18 relatives test positive for COVID-19 following family gathering WFAA

Coronavirus may have infected 10 times more Americans than reported, CDC says Reuters

Shortage of vials may slow COVID-19 vaccine rollout Beckers Hospital Review

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How the Virus Won NYT. Stoller comments:

Not to mention our for-profit health care system….

The Blood on New York’s Hands Discourse Blog. Not on the hands of New York’s “essential workers”!

As New York Reaches a Coronavirus Landmark, Parts of Red America Are Facing a Potential Disaster The New Yorker. Looks like the Red State governors are making the same mistakes that Diblasio and Cuomo did. Experience is a hard school….

The CDC Lost Control Of The Coronavirus Pandemic. Then The Agency Disappeared. Buzzfeed

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The Dudes Who Won’t Wear Masks The Atlantic. Much better than the headline.

Remember when seatbacks and squalling children were a problem? Thread:

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What are the odds on coronavirus? Worse than most people think is the one thing we can say Tax Research UK

A Virus Study You’ve Never Heard of Helped Us Understand COVID-19 Smithsonian

Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy NYT

The Cholera Riots Tribune


Hong Kong’s Cartoonists Aren’t Giving Up on Dissent The Nation

How to read between the lines of China and the EU’s diplomatic statements Quartz

Inside China’s race to beat poverty FT

China’s Go West plan fails to capture imagination of foreign firms suffering from ‘regional development plan fatigue’ South China Morning Post

Chinese structures appear near site of border clash with India, satellite images show NBC


Don’t Blame Modi for ‘No Intrusion’ Claim, Blame Him for Dramatic Shift in China Policy The WIre

Memories of pox, plague, and pandemics in TN People’s Archive of Rural India. TM is Tamil Nadu.

To beat the heat, Vietnam rice farmers resort to planting at night Reuters

East Africa: Ethiopia’s Nile Dam Dispute Must Be Solved Soon All Africa


Brexit: a happy bunny EU Referendum


Labour’s Rebecca Long-Bailey sacked in anti-Semitism row BBC

Hating lockdown? A third of Brits have actually enjoyed it CNN

New Cold War

We Need a Vaccine for Something More Dangerous Than the Coronavirus Valdai Discussion Club

How Russians are Reading Bolton and Trump Carnegie Moscow Center

Russia cannot afford another 15 years at war with the west FT

Trump Transition

Transcript: NPR’s Full Interview With Attorney General William Barr NPR

Trump administration calls for Supreme Court to strike down ObamaCare The Hill

Stimulus checks: Prepaid debit cards come with fees and privacy strings attached CBS

$1.4 Billion in Stimulus Funds Sent to Dead People, Watchdog Finds NYT


The Two Sides of Trump National Review

Black Injustice Tipping Point

It Is Time for Reparations Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times

Police State Watch

Corporate Backers of the Blue: How Corporations Bankroll U.S. Police Foundations Eyes on the Ties

FBI Expands Ability to Collect Cellphone Location Data, Monitor Social Media, Recent Contracts Show The Intercept

Yes, Defund the Cops – And Put Them Under Community Control Black Agenda Report

Failed State

Santa Cruz County lifts beach closures: ‘People are not willing to be governed’ Los Angeles Times

The world is putting America in quarantine Ryan Cooper, The Week (J-LS). As I’ve been saying…

‘Has it peaked? I don’t know.’ NIH official details foreign influence probe Science

Sports Desk

Colleges Weigh Scrapping Football Season in Threat to a Cash Cow Bloomberg (Re Silc). On the bright side: Fewer brain-damaged “student athletes.”

Guillotine Watch

Why the French Riviera is full of ghost yachts The Economist

Class Warfare

Jobs Hit Is Four Times Worse for Low-Paid Workers, Fed Analysts Say Bloomberg. Everything’s going according to plan!

Life Care fired staffer who revealed nursing home nightmare to Reuters Reuters

Philadelphia set to be first U.S. city to protect workers against retaliation for calling out coronavirus conditions Philadelphia Inquirer

Google’s Promise to Delete Your Data Has a Major Loophole Gizmodo

Antidote du Jour (via):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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