Gone golfing
By two minutes to 10 this morning, the president was at his golf club in Sterling, Virginia, a short drive from the White House, even as the coronavirus largely spreads out of control in what is shaping up to the worse surge yet of the outbreak in the US.
Mark Knoller
(@markknoller)Pres Trump has arrived at his golf club in Sterling, VA. By my count, it’s his 84th time there, topping his 83 visits to his club in West Palm Beach, FL
His club, as in he owns it. Duty reporters on the White House beat report that there were a handful of onlookers as the president’s motorcade drove onto the property.
“One man walking his dog gave a thumbs down as the motorcade drove by. On one side of the street near the entrance to the club were three Trump supporters. One man was flashing thumbs up and another saluted.
“On the other side of the street were a few protesters holding signs. One read “SCOTUS not drinking your Kool-Aid?” and another read “WOAT Worst of All Time,” today’s pool reporter wrote.
For readers in parts of the world beyond America who may not be so familiar, Scotus = the Supreme Court of the United States, which has ruled against the Trump administration four times in recent big cases, despite Trump nominating two conservative justices to the bench which tipped the court to the right.
Kool-Aid is a kind of vivid-hued energy soft drink and if you’ve “drunk the Kool-Aid” about a person or thing it sort of means you’ve come under their spell/become intoxicated by them/it.
It can be a good thing, eg if after riding your ever first wave you become really into surfing, run out and buy a board and go to the beach every day to catch the swell, you’ve “drunk the Kool-Aid” on surfing.
In this case it’s only a good thing if you believe that the Supreme Court should be immune from presidential pressure, obviously!
at 11.20am EDT
Outrage grows of Trump’s Roger Stone decision
Outrage is growing among opponents of Donald Trump’s decision to commute the prison sentence of his longtime friend and notorious Republican fixer Roger Stone despite the US attorney general having declared Stone’s conviction “righteous”.
Criticism on Saturday came from both sides of the political aisle.
Adam Schiff, a California Democrat and chairmen of the House intelligence committee – the congressional panel Stone was convicted of lying to about aspects of the Trump-Russia investigation – called the decision “destructive of the criminal justice system and the rule of law” on Saturday morning.
Senator Mitt Romney, a Republican of Utah, described the decision as “unprecedented, historic corruption”.
Mitt Romney
(@MittRomney)Unprecedented, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president.
Trump commuted the sentence of Stone on Friday night. He was a former campaign adviser to the president and was due on Tuesday to begin a sentence of three years and four months in jail.
Stone, 67, was convicted in November 2019 of obstructing a congressional investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.
Trump said that Stone was targeted in an “illegal witch-hunt”, prompting the global politics professor and political columnist Brian Klass to tweet on Saturday: “This is a complete lie. Roger Stone committed a series of well-documented crimes that are not seriously contested.”
He added: “This is what despots do: wield the law like a weapon to attack political opponents and protect loyal cronies. It’s a disgraceful, dark day for American democracy.”
Stone was convicted in November 2019 of seven crimes, including obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering in the congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
You can read the full article below:
at 11.13am EDT