Morning all. Graham Readfearn here.
It’s Sunday and harmony has returned to the eastern states with Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania returning to join Queensland in the same time zone. Did you remember to adjust your clocks?
That’s about it though, harmony-wise. On our live coverage today we’ll follow the heavy weather that’s forecast to continue on the south coast of NSW and the flood warnings for the eastern parts of Victoria.
The prime minister, Scott Morrison, is facing intense scrutiny over allegations he made “racial comments” in 2007 about a rival candidate for preselection in the seat of Cook. Morrison has denied making the comments.
The candidate who initially won the preselection battle, Michael Towke, has today told the Nine newspapers he stood by a 2016 statutory declaration outlining “many unedifying tactics used to unseat me from my preselection victory”.
Morrison is in Tasmania this morning for a 10am press conference at the Devil’s Gate Hydroelectric Power Station where he is expected to make an energy announcement.
We’ll keep up to date with the latest covid numbers too. A quick summary from yesterday:
Let’s proceed harmoniously.