Links 8/9/2020

The Secret to Container Vegetable Gardening TreeHugger

Facing up to Woodrow Wilson’s true legacy Times Literary Supplement

Colorado Prison Escapee Caught After Nearly 50 Years on Run USA Today

Satellite images show oil spill disaster unfolding in Mauritius: “We will never be able to recover” CBS (User Friendly)

TikTok ban exposes PSYOPs-led secret dance battle with China Duffelblog


The COVID Interregnum Counterpunch

sweatpants forever NYT

CA’s top health official: Glitch fixed but there’s a backlog of up to 300,000 records SFGate

Navajo Nation’s Shortage of Clean Water Is Impeding Efforts to Control COVID Truthout

Nursing homes grapple with a dual crisis: preparing for hurricane season amid the Covid-19 pandemic Stat

97,000 children reportedly test positive for coronavirus in two weeks as schools gear up for instruction CBS News UserFriendly

From Bourbon Street to Food Banks, Signs of a Slow U.S. Recovery Bloomberg. Hmm – strikes me as wishful if not downright magical thinking.

Sturgis motorcycle rally draws thousands of bikers despite coronavirus fears NBC News

Thousands of bikers heading to South Dakota rally to be blocked at tribal land checkpoints Guardian (furzy)

UK orders recall of 741,000 coronavirus testing kits over safety concerns Reuters

Boris Johnson says reopening schools next month is a ‘moral duty’ and a ‘national priority’ as he takes on the teaching unions Daily Mail (The Rev Kev)

I know Yves linked to Schumer’s comment yesterday, but I post this today so readers can see him utter the words:


Povidone-Iodine Demonstrates Rapid In Vitro Virucidal Activity Against SARS-CoV-2, The Virus Causing COVID-19 Disease Nature Public Health Emergency Coalition

Three major scientific controversies about coronavirus The Conversation

Forty percent of people with coronavirus infections have no symptoms. Might they be the key to ending the pandemic? WaPo

Scientists Weigh the Benefits of Air Purifiers in Fighting COVID-19 Der Spiegel

Statement from Yale Faculty on Hydroxychloroquine and its Use in COVID-19 Medium

Trump Transition

The lost days of summer: How Trump struggled to contain the virus WaPo

Trump signs order for coronavirus relief, with lower level of extra aid for jobless Guardian (The Rev Kev) Likely unconstitutional, but politically astute, especially given Biden’s weakness on bankruptcy and consumer debt.  And what would you have Trump do, in the absence of congressional action?

Trump antagonizes GOP megadonor Adelson in heated phone call Politico

Class Warfare

Record Scratch Airmail. There’s a paywall but one can register for access to some pieces each week. which is what I did. Not sure this is yet worth the price of a subscription – nor if it will ever be. Vanity Fair under Carter used to be something I’d flip through when getting my hair styled, rather than buying for its online or deadtreee content. Especially now that Christopher Hitchens is no more.

Appeals court rules 10¢-a-page charge for court documents is too high Ars Technica

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway grew profits by 86% last quarter as its stock portfolio soared in value Business Insider


Big Brother IS Watching You Watch

Software that monitors students during tests perpetuates inequality and violates their privacy MIT Technology Review


Biden campaign reportedly making ‘ruthless cuts’ to convention speaking list The Week


The Memo: Trump team pounces on Biden gaffes The Hill

How the Final Stretch of Biden’s VP Search Is Playing Out New York magazine


All About The Chips: Taiwan Is Next Battleground For Trade Fight American Conservative

Does the US-led Five Eyes have wider sights on China? SCMP

US fails to build regional coalition against China Asia Times (The Rev Kev)

‘Everything is gone.’ Flooding in China ruins farmers and risks rising food prices CNN (User Friendly)

Mark Ames tweets link to Max Blumenthal’s scoop:


Kerala plane crash: DGCA’s investigation team, Union minister Scroll. Note the reporting says the ‘’plane was a Boeing 737- but doesn’t mention MAX, so I think it was a previous model. I wonder how much rusty pilots – both of whom died in the crash- perhaps driven by commercial pressures imposed on Air India Express, contributed to the tragedy. The monsoon seems a too-convenient scapegoat. Pilots who fly regularly in Indian airspace during this time of year are trained for such conditions.

Reliance tech arm expands monopoly muscle in India Asia Times

Coronavirus: India is turning to faster tests to meet targets BBC

India’s expanding mining sector is posing an acute threat to endangered tigers and their habitats Scroll


More than 60 missing after Beirut mega-blast: Live updates Al Jazeera

Beirut explosions: Protesters storm government buildings as tear gas fired and over 110 wounded Independent

Antidote du Jour (via):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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